so i looked at my last post and it was December the last time i blogged. yikes! i need to get better at this. so im going to speed blog about what has happened the last couple of months with our little fam! well first off seth got into LAW SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he got into the Phoenix School of Law so we are moving this summer! we are supper excited and we are going to build our own house in this community in Gilbert called power ranch!!! we haven't started yet so i will keep updating our blog as we go along i will be better about it i promise. also seth graduates from UVU next week!!!!!! so lots of exciting things are going on right now! and of course wyatt is getting supper big we took him into his 6month appointment last week and he is in the 94% in height, 90% for his head and in the 72% for his weight. so basically he has a big head and a long body haha. he sits up all by himself and he loves baby food especially prunes and sweet potatoes. he also love to fart like his dad and loves to play with toys and put them in his mouth! seth and i love our little man even though he still doesn't sleep through the night but he is getting better which i am grateful for.

wyatt having tummy time at grandma and grandpas house at Christmas time
Wyatt and great grandma Kenney (Christmas time)
great great aunt Jackie with Wyatt (Christmas time)
Wyatt's first Kings game!
wyatt and daddy playing
wyatt feel asleep
bath time!
Wyatt feel asleep while helping me fold laundary
Wyatt and Grandma Penney
Wyatt getting kisses from daddy while asleep
Reading time!
wyatt looking in the mirror
my 24th birthday and my dad surprised me!
Wyatts First tast of baby food! ( mommy milk plus baby oatmeal)
All dressed up for church!
with uncle dave in his hunting outfit
eating his bumbo chair and daddy's water bottle
wyatts first Easter, i think he liked to eat the basket more than the things inside it
sleepy boy
Prune face!